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Admissions Steps

Step 1: Apply online and submit admissions documents.

  • Pay $15 application fee
  • Immunization records – All GTC students born after 1956 must provide proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus-diphtheria and Meningococcal Disease (in compliance with Louisiana state law) to complete the admissions process. Students may submit proof of immunization OR sign the online waiver.
  • Proof of Selective Service Registration (if applicable) – Proof of Selective Service registration is required for male applicants between the ages of 18 and 25 (in compliance with the Military Selective Service Act) to complete the admissions process.
  • Submit High school transcript or equivalency - If you have earned a high school diploma, submit your official high school transcript or copy of your diploma. If you completed an equivalency exam, submit a copy of your equivalency diploma or scores. Some programs at GTC require proof of high school graduation or equivalency for admission to the program.
  • Submit Official College Transcript (if applicable) - If you have earned college credit at another college or university, request an official transcript be sent to Goodwill Technical College. Official transcripts are used to transfer in coursework towards graduation requirements and to satisfy course pre-requisites. Though it is not required for full admission to the college, failure to submit transcripts from previous institutions may cause the student to miss an opportunity to receive transfer credit. Unofficial transcripts may be used to determine appropriate course placements.

Step 2: Schedule and take the placement test (if applicable). 

GTC uses the ACCUPLACER to assess readiness for program level courses in Medical Assistant, IT Support Specialist, and Medical Billing and Coding programs. A Digital Literacy Skills Assessment is also required for entrance into the IT Support Specialist program. No placement test is required for the Hospitality program.

Do I need to take the ACCUPLACER or Digital Literacy Assessment?

  • Students who plan to enroll in the IT Support Specialist, Medical Assistant or Medical Billing and Coding program and have college credit from an accredited institution OR have placement scores from one of the following tests taken within the past three years: ACT, SAT, ASSET, ACCUPLACER and COMPASS™are exempt from taking the ACCUPLACER and may proceed to the next step.

  • Students who plan to enroll in the Hospitality program are exempt from taking a placement test and may proceed to the next step.

  • Students who plan to enroll in the IT Support Specialist program and have a degree or certificate in computer science or a related field, who have successfully completed a college level computer science or related course, OR who have an industry-based certification in the information technology field are exempt from taking the Digital Literacy Assessment.
  • Schedule your Placement Test if required. Once the test is complete, proceed to the next step.

Step 3: New Student Orientation

  • All new GTC students must complete a mandatory two part orientation. Part 1 is completed online and should take less than 15 minutes. It provides a high-level overview of college policies and procedures, registration, and financial assistance. Part 2 is an in-person orientation session that focuses on connecting new students with faculty, staff, campus resources, and other students to assist you with a successful transition to GTC.
  • Visit our Student Orientation page to learn more.

Step 4: Register for classes through your student portal. 

If you need assistance with registering for classes, please view our Registration Information page.

Step 5: Secure funding for your classes OR set up a payment plan.

  • Whether your tuition and fees are being paid by Pell Grant, out-of-pocket, or through a third-party funding source such as VA, SNAP, WIOA, LRS, etc., please be sure that your funding is secured before classes begin.
  • FAFSA School Code: 043153
  • Tuition assistance is available! Schedule an appointment to discuss your options.

Upcoming Events

February 17
February 18
February 27

GNO Federal Credit Union

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

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