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Student Council

The Student Council is the official body that represents all the students at Goodwill Technical College. All students enrolled at the college are members of the Student Council upon payment of tuition and fees. The membership has the authority to elect officers to represent the student body. The College Counselor oversees the Student Council and is responsible for ensuring timely elections of Student Council Officers. Student Council Officer positions include President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. All elected Student Council Officers serve in their positions for one year.  Meetings of the Student Council are open to all students and students are encouraged to get involved by attending meetings and running for office during elections. The College Counselor serves as an advisor to the Student Council and is responsible for communicating with college administration. 

Student Council Purpose

The purpose of the Student Council is to serve as the representative voice of the student body of GTC; to enhance student life by sponsoring approved social, cultural, and educational events/activities on campus;  and to promote the quality education offered at GTC.

In doing so, the Student Council will strive to accomplish the following:

  • To seek out student input and views on all matters concerning students.
  • To be a forum of discussion on student issues and concerns.
  • To provide effective leadership for the student body.
  • To ensure equal representation for students.

Benefits of Serving on Student Council

  • Build relationships - Working closely with other students and college faculty/administration gives you the opportunity to build meaningful friendships and professional relationships.
  • Create positive change - Use your voice to propose initiatives, outreach, and other activities that can create positive change within the college.
  • Boost your resume - Having student council leadership on your resume can be an advantage because of the leadership and effective teamwork skills gained through serving on the student council.

Interested in becoming a Student Council Officer?

View Student Council Officer positions. Interested students can complete the Student Council Application online

For more information contact Shaleska Julian, College Counselor at

Eligibility Requirements

Upcoming Events

February 17
February 18
February 27

GNO Federal Credit Union

9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

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